Saturday, August 29, 2015

Troubles of Packing and other tales

I have had more trouble than I like with my packing. I found that my back pack had one pound more than allowed and had to do some rearranging. Then, I realized I had forgotten to pack some things in my suitcase, so I had to make room. My winter coat didn’t make the final cut, so either my sister will be really sweet when she comes to visit me and bring me my coat or I will go buy one. All of this has made me come to the conclusion that I dislike weight limits, and I have a feeling I will dislike them more on the return trip.

On a less obnoxious note I purchased Spotify Premium so I can listen to music on the flight, though there might be wifi. That is a detail I have not checked. Either way I will have music whenever I want for half the normal price because I am a college student. Woot! Woot!

I also perused my book shelf for something to read and found three books that seemed to be sufficient reading material. Ironically they all seemed to have travel themes, Treasure Island, The True confessions of Charlotte Doyle, and the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I'm leaning towards the last one because my sister has always wanted me to read it, and the first page made me laugh three time. I think that's a good indicator on how much I will enjoy the book.

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